
Datacom delivers innovative, creative software services for business.

Title Date Summary
Title: Office of the Clerk Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Hansard revitalised for better public service
Title: Canon Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Canon leverages Datacom frameworks for mobile workforce
Title: NZ Post and NZForex Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Datacom provides RealMe integration through new cloud product
Title: Crowe Horwath Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Crowe Horwath’s elite suite of business tools
Title: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Delivering high reliability and system integrity to Reserve Bank
Title: Auckland Airport Date: 04-Aug-2014 Summary: Auckland Airport revamps website to increase online traffic
Title: Marlborough District Council Date: 31-Jul-2014 Summary: Marlborough District Council moves to digital services
Title: Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation Date: 15-Jul-2014 Summary: NZ Super Fund leverages SharePoint 2013 intranet for staff education and collaboration
Title: Office of Film and Literature Classification Date: 17-Jun-2014 Summary: OFLC achieves greater efficiency through automated process tools
Title: LIC Date: 30-May-2014 Summary: Transformational partnership is in our DNA