Datacom’s National Network provides a secure carrier diverse network across our nine Australia-wide datacentres, which allows customers to access their digital assets, infrastructure and public cloud with guaranteed availability and throughput.
We make every aspect of a customer’s IT infrastructure customisable and scalable, allowing you to adjust your speed and storage requirements on the fly, while maintaining and industry leading reliability and security.
It is also carrier diverse, utilising several third party, Tier-1 telecommunications providers and their extensive fibre networks. This means customers can choose which data utilises which dedicated connection, how that data is routed and stored, and ensuring a more consistent network experience for users, no matter where they are.
The National Network also has fully redundant connectivity capable of surviving Disaster Recovery events, and access to additional Datacom services including core switching, edge switching, internet services and firewalls.
Customers will also be able to pay a single monthly bill for site-to-site connectivity on a per Mbit/sec basis.

The National Network will continue to expand the service catalogue, including a roadmap to roll it out to New Zealand and allowing trans-tasman businesses access to the same capability set.
Key Features
Highly scalable, from 1Mbps to 10Gbps
Low latency point to point connections
Diversity: Geographic and carrier, utilising all of Datacom’s Datacentres and third party providers
MPLS WAN solutions
Aggregated carrier connections single invoice option
Multiple bandwidth options with burst capabilities to accommodate peak traffic volumes, without having to maintain constant peak-level capacity and expenditure
Increased security by keeping applications within your data centre’s local area network
Lower costs, enabled by reduced WAN expenses with points of presence in each state
Connect your existing infrastructure with one of Datacom points of presence
You can maintain network separation between public and
Private environments and reconfigure virtual interfaces with ease as your needs change
On net provisioning upgrades within hours, not days
Once connected easy to access our carrier agnostic IP service
Direct access to the cloud – Datacom’s cloud nodes via Datacom Cloud Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and VMware vCloud
Improved performance of cloud-based applications and workloads through high-throughput, low-latency connections
Automated, near-real-time provisioning of cloud services from multiple providers, with enhanced service orchestration and management capabilities
Fully redundant connectivity capable of surviving Disaster Recovery events
Access to additional Datacom services including core switching, edge switching, internet services and firewalls
Ability to pay a single monthly bill for site-to-site connectivity on a per Mbps basis