Datacom Education

Datacom EdIT provides a tailored approach to using technology in Australian classrooms to inspire individual learning.

Prepare for and successfully deploy 1:1 technology in the classroom.

3D printing has been identified by the NMC Horizon Report as one of today’s leading trends in education and will be a key focus for schools globally over at least the next 3-5 years.

Discover how to use Apple products to achieve educational outcomes with hands-on training.

Transform learning by using data to support student differentiation.

Educate parents on how their children are using technology in the classroom with a dedicated workshop.

Develop a technology strategy for your school using a needs-based assessment with expert guidance.

Get strategies for using technology to curate, create, inspire and share in the classroom.

Choose from a wide range of hardware technology to enhance teaching and learning.

See first-hand how other schools are effectively leveraging technology in the classroom with a whole-day tour.

Optimise the management of your ICT environment.